Suppose you are given a problem to display ‘C programming is fun’ 500
times. One way of doing this problem is to display ‘C programming is
fun’ 500 times using printf() functions. Think yourself, how it takes to
display it using printf() 500 times? Also how lengthy the program
becomes? and how inefficient the program will be? Many problems arise
and the solutions of these problems is solved by different types of
Loops. Using loop, you can display the message as many as you want with
only few lines of code. There are mainly 3 types of Loop in C
programming which are discussed here,
2. do …while Loop
3. for Loop
- while Loop
There are three steps in writing while loop, 1. variable initialization 2. loop condition and 3. variable increment or decrement.
General Syntax
while(condition){ statement }
1: int i = 0; //variable initialization2: while(i <= 500){ // loop condition3: printf("C programming is fun");4: i++; //increment
5: }
While loop is also known as Entry Control loop because condition is checked at the entry of loop. Initially the value of i is assign with zero. Until the value of i becomes equal or less than 500, the statement within while loop executes.
2. do …while Loop
General Syntax
do{ statements; }while(condition);Example1: int i = 0; //counter initialization2: do{
3: printf("C programming is fun");4: i++;5: }while(i <= 500);
do…while loop is also known as exit control loop because condition is checked at the exit of loop. If you supply false condition, statement is executed once.
3. for Loop
General Syntax
for(initialization;condition;update(increment/decrement)){ statement; }
1: int i;
2: for(i = 0; i <= 500; i++){
3: printf("C programming is fun");4: }
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