Simple algebraic addition do no work in the case of
Complex Number. Because they have two parts, Real and Imaginary. To add
two complex numbers, real part of one number must be added with real
part of other and imaginary part one must be added with imaginary part
of other. The concept of complex number can be viewed as structure
having two members real and imaginary. So to add two complex numbers we
use structure addition. If complex1 and complex2 be two structure
variables and complex3 be their sum then
complex3.real = complex1.real + complex2.real; complex3.imag = complex1.imag + complex2.imag;
In this way, we can add two complex numbers. The source code and output of the program is given here…
Source Code:
#include<stdio.h>struct comp{
float real;
float imag;
};struct comp comp1,comp2;
struct comp sum_complex(struct comp complex1,struct comp complex2){struct comp temp;
temp.real = complex1.real + complex2.real;temp.imag = complex1.imag + complex2.imag;return temp;
}int main(){
struct comp result;
printf("Enter Complex Number 1: ");scanf("%f%f",&comp1.real, &comp1.imag);printf("Enter Complex Number 2: ");scanf("%f%f",&comp2.real,&comp2.imag);result = sum_complex(comp1,comp2);printf("The sum is %.2f + i%.2f\n\n", result.real,result.imag);return 0;
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